3 Reasons Why You’ll Wish You Had a Vertical 4-Track Room in the Fall
Posted on October 26, 2017You’ve been enjoying your deck all summer. Maybe you went out there to get a quiet moment alone, or to watch birds with your morning coffee. Unfortunately, with the chill of fall that can change. The patio isn’t as tempting as the cozy couch, but you still miss being outside. Transforming this open outdoor space into a vertical 4-track room can be the solution.
At Zephyr Thomas, we turn decks and patios into three-season rooms with our vertical 4-track patio enclosures. Custom-built to fit your home, the light and strong vinyl windows will open along any track to let the breeze in. When it’s raining or windy, the panels will keep out the elements. Here are a few reasons why you might find yourself wishing you had a vertical 4-track room this fall:
1. A Bright New Space in Your Home
When your patio is enclosed, you gain a whole new room to do with as you please for three seasons of the year. Since what used to be your patio will no longer be exposed to the elements, you can do a lot with it that you couldn’t do with a normal patio throughout the year.
Although vertical 4-track rooms are not designed to be heated or cooled, you can still do a lot more with it than an unenclosed patio. Will it become your new reading nook in the spring? A place to do yoga in the fall? A playroom that’s your children’s favorite spot on rainy summer days? You decide.
2. Pest-Free Patio
Patios attract dirt and debris, especially if you have lots of trees surrounding your home. To keep them in good shape, they require regular cleaning and often must be weatherproofed.
And then there are the buzzing, whining, biting bugs that like to hang out on patios, scaring the guests inside!
With a vertical 4-track patio enclosure, you’ll be protecting your patio from becoming the neighborhood spiders’ favorite hangout. You’ll also reduce the amount of maintenance you must keep up with every year. You can enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without inviting the outdoors into your space.
3. Durability and Aesthetic Appeal
Adding a vertical 4-track enclosure to your patio can improve the appearance of your home. The enclosure will be custom-fitted to your needs! And the easy-to-clean windows may be clear, or tinted smoke gray, bronze, or dark gray. With proper cleaning and care, the vinyl windows come with a 10-year manufacturer warranty.
These are just a few reasons why you’ll wish you had a vertical 4-track room this fall. Are you convinced yet? If you want to learn more, give us a call or stop by our office to speak with our expert staff and see examples of projects we have completed for our customers in the past.